Friday, May 10, 2013

Advanced Style

Last night I was going through my blog drafts and came across this post on "Advanced Style" that I began writing last summer. For whatever reason it was never published. Advanced Style, is a blog by photographer Ari Seth Cohen. He takes pictures of fashionable silver haired (sometimes pink haired) women, who are living proof that style gets better with age. As a tribute to Mother's Day weekend, I though it would only be appropriate to finally publish this post today! Feast your eyes on these beautiful portraits and get inspired. 

(Above) The lovely 73 year old, Beatrix Ost. She looks like everything an artist would want in a muse and she wears turbans so well.

You might not know Iris Apfel by name, but I am sure you might recognize her by those fabulous oversized specs and costume jewelry. I first became familiar with this legendary fashion icon, through Bill Cunningham's blog and like everyone else, I instantly became enchanted with  her "style as art" look. Read more about her life here. 
This is one of my favorite photographs. I love the clash of patterns, colors and jewelry. Dolores Forsythe, featured here, also happens to own a jewelry store in San Diego. Get the look here.
Meet Tziporah Salamon, yet another elegant woman with so much effortless style and grace.
Can't get enough of Iris Apfel. Here's another one of her charming interviews.
This post would not be complete without British Fashion Designer Zandra Rhodes and her famous quote, "Personality and jewelry will conquer everything." Read about her amazing career and life here.
The beautiful Linda Rodin for Grey Magazine. Check out the the complete layout here.

I can't wait for the release of this film. Check out the trailer!

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